Workfront integration with jira
Workfront integration with jira

Identify your organization’s technology admin for the application you want to integrate with Workfront. Integrating Workfront with a regularly, or frequently, used application will increase adoption among your users.įor a list of available integrations, see Integrations available at no additional cost and Integrations requiring an additional purchase. When choosing an integration, it is important to pick an application that people already use regularly.

workfront integration with jira

To get started with built-in (native) integrations, follow the following workflow:ĭetermine which native integration(s) best fits your needs Get started with built-in (native) integrations

  • Integrations requiring an additional purchase.
  • Integrations available at no additional cost.
  • Get started with built-in (native) integrations.
  • Some of these integrations are available at no additional cost, while other integrations require an additional purchase: Workfront provides various integrations you can configure either directly from the Workfront application, or directly from another application by installing the Workfront add-in for that application. The integrations for Workfront fall into the following categories: Built-in (native) integrations Integrations can extend the utility of Workfront and tailor it to the needs of your organization. You can integrate Adobe Workfront with third-party applications.

    Workfront integration with jira